Sunday, October 17, 2010

Trying to Catch yall up!

Oh my goodness...where do I start?

We have been in our new home for 18 months and all is going well. Dennis is still with Target (15+ years now). I am working at the Education Center...which I love love love.

Davis is 14 and in the 9th grade which means HIGH SCHOOL. Which I am starting to handle better...time heals (true believer now). Davis loves band. He is heavily involved with everything band. This is our first year attending all high school football games. Matthew is 12-will be 13 this weekend-another teenage boy in the house (you can all start praying right now-get on your knees-I am going to need it) and he is in the 7th grade. Matthew is playing for the football team in middle school and he LOVES it. He is also pretty good (if I do say so myself). Amber is 9-will be 10 this week. Man, she is getting to "growney". My baby is going from a cutie to a beautiful young preteen. She is loving living in a neighborhood. She loves to go and play with everyone! She is also on the local 4th grade "girls on the run" team at school.

The only other thing that has been an adjustment is the loss of my dad. There are days that it seems like a bad dream, but then I realize it is not a dream but reality. Those times are very painful. My children miss him so much. We always seem to remember the good times, which helps heal the pain. We keep him alive in our hearts and knowing that families are forever is the greatest comfort ever.

Well, hopefully I can keep this blog updated...sorry for the 18 months of no connection-but it has been a busy, bumpy ride.

1 comment:

Nancy Seaman said...

Facebook is great but we still love the blog updates! Thanks!