Monday, July 28, 2008

Home Improvement Is Hard!!!

Well, Dennis and I have decided to start doing some improvement on the house, boy...what was I thinking. I never realized
how hard it would be. We have painted the garage door. Changed the glass in the garage door. We are totally redoing our bathroom-painting, changing light fixtures and redoing all the hardware. We have much more ahead of us still. Like-painting
the hallway, painting the boys room, painting Amber's room, painting all of the interior doors, polishing the hard wood floors
and redoing the boys bathroom. MAN...I think this might just cure my interior design ideas. If you are an expert and are willing
to work for nothing, or need a service project, call us, we will put you to work.

Sunday, July 27, 2008


Carol is AWESOME! Thank you

Hello World

Here we are trying to get this blogsite up and running. Not much success it seems. But, we'll keep trying.