Friday, October 31, 2008

Have A Safe And Happy Halloween!

To all the children out there...Be safe...and have a great time!!!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Girls Just Want To Scream!!!

Let me tell ears still hurt from all of the screaming done at the movies on Friday when we went and saw High School Musical 3 Senior Prom. I never remember being that giddy. I remember liking movies stars and rock stars, but my goodness, everytime Troy Bolton (Zac Efron) came on screen, the girls went CRAZY. Dennis, Faith, Ruby and I just laughed and laughed. Davis thought the girls were crazy for acting that way. He just kept watching them. Matthew was like "girls do that to me all the time"! My heartbreaker!!!

What an experience...preteens and teens having a BLAST!!!

Girls Just Want To Have this case-SCREAM!!!

Baptismal Day

WOW!!! I can not believe my baby was baptized today. It was a beautiful day for a beautiful girl. Matthew said a wonderful pray and Davis' talk on the Holy Ghost was fantastic. Brother Ruberson said the baptism talk and Kristen DeJong gave a prayer also. Amber was very very very pretty all in her white. Thanks again to Aunt Linda for making Amber's dress. Everyone loved her dress...they wanted to know where we got it because they wanted one...I said it was one of a kind. Thanks to all of the family and friends who attended. Amber really appreciates it. She was so excited that today was her own special day and that all of the attention was on her. Eileen Seaman made Amber a towel with her name and baptismal date embroidered on it, the Ritchie's gave her beautiful earrings, and of course we gave her scriptures and Granma gave her the scripture tote. Aunt Faith got her this really cute chocolate chip book.

Again, I can not believe my baby is baptismal age. My how time flies...............when you are having fun!!!

I love you Amber. You are the greatest little princess ever.

Birthday Boy



Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Birthday Girl

Happy Birthday Amber!!!!! We love you!!!!!
Daddy, Mommy, Davis and Matthew

Monday, October 20, 2008

Pierced Ears

Today was the day that Amber has been waiting for awhile now. She had her ears pierced. Her daddy and I have told her for years that she could get her ears pierced right before her eighth birthday and her baptism. Well she has been reminding us for awhile now. The lady who pierced her ears was extremely nice. She took time with her first. Helped her pick out some beautiful earrings. She picked out light pink crystal heart shaped earrings. Amber was so excited. It hurt a little, but she said that it was worth it. For most of the day she admired them whenever she passed a mirror.

They sparkle just like her beautiful hazel eyes!!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Matthew's First Deer

Well, Well, my previous blog I wrote about Matthew going deer hunting and telling him to go and get em...well guess what...Matthew went and got himself a deer!!! A nice size one also. His first deer was a buck, 5 points and around 140-150 pounds (estimated according to Uncle James). Matthew has been grining ear to ear. He is on cloud 9, no I take that back, he is on cloud 99. Matthew had a wonderful time with Will and Uncle James. He kept on hugging Uncle James and thanking him and Will. We have taken several pictures. When I can get over to Carol's house, I will see if she will help me put the pictures on the blogsite. Again, I can not believe Matthew got himself a deer on his first hunting trip.

Uncle James and Will-Yall are FANTASTIC teachers.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


I can not believe that Amber will be getting baptised next Saturday. My baby is growing up too fast for me...I went yesterday to a family members house so she could help me make Amber's baptismal dress. WOW-I never thought it could be so beautiful. Aunt Linda made the dress in like two hours also. I was so amazed. I helped a little. I am still learning how to sew, trust me, it is hard. I can sew a straight line, but actually putting the dress together is amazingly hard. Thank you Thank you Thank you Aunt Linda for taking the time out and helping me. I really appreciate you and your family. Yall are wonderful!!!!!!!

Yesterday I also dropped Matthew off at my Aunt Terri's house. He is going deer hunting for the first time ever in his life. He is going with my Uncle James and his son Will. Trust me when I say, Matthew is so EXCITED!!! I hope my baby has fun. He deserves this time. He has worked hard around the house just so he can go on this hunting trip. Go Get em Matthew....

Davis and Dennis are in Providence Canyon today on a boy scout trip. Providence Canyon is in Western Georgia almost in Alabama. It is a very fun cool place. I am sure they are having fun.

Amber is with my parents. She loves being there by herself, attention-she loves it. Have fun Amber.

So as you guessed...I had the day to myself...WONDERFUL...I wrote on my blog...

Remember...Life is precious, take it one day at a time and enjoy every minute of it!!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Love doesn't make the world go round-
Love is what makes the ride worthwhile!!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Rough Times

It has been awhile since I have written on my blog. I apoligize for that. Matthew has been to the doctor numerous times since I last wrote. Thank you Jennifer for letting me know about Celiac disease. The doctor's have tested Matthew for everything under the sun except that one. I will call them up and tell them I want him tested for that. He has been tested for samolina, girarada and other intestinal infections. All negative, but still stomach pains.

Also, last week was a sad sad week. We attended a funeral for a classmate. Jesus Lara was 9 years old and he was in the 3rd grade here in our school. I had Jesus last year when I was the assistant in after school academics. He was a very handsome, funny and energetic little boy. He always had a smile on his face. He was riding his bicyle on a Saturday afternoon and was struck by a car. He lived for a day. Matthew has Jesus' older brother, Jordan, in his class and Amber has Jesus' younger brother, Javier, in her class. They also knew Jesus, due to me having him in after school academics with me. It is always so hard to attend a funeral, but with it being a child, that is so so so much harder. I feel for the parents, my heart goes out to them.

Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery...Today is a gift!!!