Thursday, September 25, 2008

SICK Children

Why Why must we be sick...???...Why do I have a WEAK stomach...???...I am a mother for crying out loud...!!!...Well, Matthew and I had to leave school today because of sickness. We believe Matthew may be lactose intolerant so we are trying out different lactaid pills and we have even gone totally cold turkey from lactose products. Tomorrow we are going to the doctor offically to see if it is lactose intolerant or a milk allergy (yes, there is a difference). Matthew has always experienced violent episodes of stomach cramping and other stomach issues. We have had Matthew seen about in the past and the doctors told us at that time it was "GAS", well I believe (mother's intution) that it is something more serious than "GAS". Keep us in your prayers............

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Part 1 "Ten Things Or People That I Love"

1. My family (you knew that was coming ). My family is the absolute BEST! They teach me so much everyday. There is never a dull day when you have children. They keep my life revolving. I am so glad that I will have my family for time and all eternity. I love them so so so much, words can not express the amount of feelings that are deep in my heart.

2. My church family. They are truly my brothers and sisters. I love them very much. It is so nice to be able to call them up and just have someone to talk to. They have unconditional love for me.

3. Freedom (need I say more)

4. The Gospel of Jesus Christ in my life. I do not know what I would do without the gospel in my life. It is truly a blessing to know the fullness of the gospel.

5. My home. Home is everything. It is where I can be with my family.

6. Sight. I am truly thankful that I can see all of the beautiful things in this world. I can not imagine not seeing my children and husband.

7. Hearing. I love to hear my children and husband's voice. Communication is so wonderful. To be able to hear my family say they love me is priceless.

8. Speech. I love to talk-can you imagine me not having a voice???????

9. My Job. Yes- I am thankful. I have a great job. I get paid to play with five year olds. Who would not love to do that is my question????? They are so loving and fun.

10. Technology. How great is it to write down your thoughts and for others to respond. You can keep in touch with people from all over in a matter of minutes. Technology has came along way. It is grand.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Hello, just letting you know we are still kicking........Tired, but still kicking.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Another week down

Hello! Thank goodness it is Friday.......It has been a long week at school, why?-I have no ideal why.

Yeah-it is football season. The boys will be out of the house on Friday nights now. Amber and I will have the house to ourselves. We are so excited. Hey Amber-tonight lets go get our nails done.

Well, have a safe and fun filled weekend!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Are we or are we not?????

Man....I tell ya...this waiting if for the birds. I wish we knew now. Are we moving to North Carolina is the big question? Dennis says that we should find out now hopefully at the end of September. Some of the other group leaders say, "it is a sure thing, Dennis is great, why would they not want him... One of Dennis' friend the other day asked me, Cassey-why are you not packed yet? I said, please tell me if you know something. He said, they were 99% sure. But there you go, that 1% can always come back and bite ya in the booty!!!

It is in Heavenly Father's hands, he will allow what needs to happen. We will do whatever comes our way...

The Family